Mountain Oaks School Home

High expectations through Rigorous and Relevant learning opportunities while developing personalized student experience by building positive Relationships and Resiliency.

Latest News

Main Phone Line

Please be advised that our office phone is currently experiencing technical difficulties and is not working. We are working with the phone comapany to resolve the issue as soon as possible. For urgent matters, you can call or text, Principal Paul Shoaf at (559) 476-6415. For general questions, please email the Office Tech at [email protected]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Spirit Week

Spirit Week

During the week of October 21-29, we are excited to celebrate spirit week. From Adam Sandler day to Cowboy vs Frat Boy day, we are looking forward to having a week of fun!
ASB Officers

ASB Student Body Officers

Meet our 2024/2025 Elected Student Body Officers. From left to right, Kilian Bullock - Vice President, Alissabith Bradley - Secretary, Molly Hodges, Treasurer, and Isaiah Salazar - President.
Nate Bean

New Teacher Nathaniel (Nate) Bean

Nate grew up on the central coars and moved to Oakhurst/North Fork area about 7 years ago to finish a degree in computer science at Fresno State. He got into teaching through substitute teaching and serving as a teacher's aide for a semester. Those experiences and students "aha!" moments let him know that he was in the right place. Nate loves animals, especially dogs, and some things he enjoys are backpacking, baseball, basketball, fitness, programming, and logic puzzles. One of his biggest passions, and one he hopes to pursue, as a side gig, over summertime, is gaming and game development.
Cynthia Elm

Teacher Cynthia Elm

Cynthia is passionate about teaching. She has a Bacherlor's in Chemistry, a Master's in Business, and another in Education. She has 7 amazing kis, 15 cats (she blames her husband for that) 3 adorable rescue donkeys, 3 geese, and one beautiful puppy.
When she is not wrangling animals or kids, she is either in the classroom, sharing her love of learning with her students, or visiting a good friend on another continent. Cynthia has been all over the world and have met so many kind people, but Cynthia says the best place in the world is her hometown of North Fork.
"Teaching is my happy place, where every day feels like an adventure. Life's a wild ride, and I'm loving every minute of it!


Board Meeting

Time: 6:30 PM – 9 PM
Location: North Fork School, Board Room

Board Meeting

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: Hillside School, Media Center

Board Meeting

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: Minarets High School, Media Lounge

Board Meeting

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: North Fork School, Board Room

Board Meeting

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: Hillside School, Media Center